C-211 DADSR delayed envelope generator for Eurorack / Doepfer A100 system.
Gate input jack
Delay time, Attack time, Decay time, Sustain level (or Sustain time in selftrig mode) and Release time knobs
Envelope output jack + LED. Not works as pulse delay, input gate must be still active for passing thru delay and next segments.
Internal jumper (1) for delayed release (input gate ends then release begins after delay time set – similar as delayed attack)
Internal jumper (2) for self-triggering (looping). In self-trigger mode envelope triggers itself: Delay time works as “space time” between envelopes, Attack time, Decay time, Sustain time (!) – sustain level is fixed at 2/3 envelope value (3,3V at 5V env or 6,6V at 10V envelope output) and Release time.
Internal jumper (5/10V) for 5V envelope (jumper removed) or 10V envelope (jumper set=shorted).
P-060 – switches can be used for setting all options from front panel.
Width: 4TE/ 4HP/ 20mm
Depth: 45mm /1,8″ max.
Current: 20mA (no need for +5V supply)
Power cable included
Double check power connection before powering your system please.
„Red strip“ means -12V connector side in Eurorack standards.
In some power distribution systems connector key can be reverted.
In this case cut connector key and plug power connector right way (with respect to red strip) or use different power cable appropriate to your power system.