P-018 Grouped multiple / OR (6HP)


P-018 Grouped multiple/Grouped “OR” module for Eurorack / Dopefer A100 system

Inputs can be switched to two groups (A/B or set off) using switches in left column.
Jumpers allows using as simple passive mult (jumpers set) or using as passive grouped “OR” (jumpers removed – then first 6 jacks works as inputs, last two jacks works as outputs: one switch should be set to A group, second to B group to work as A and B group outputs). In “OR” mode (jumper headers removed) it can be used for safe mixing gates and triggers from different sources to up two outputs.

S-260 ORer allows setting of A/B/off or A/B/both and has trigger mode (processing of leading edges of long gates preventing “overlay” = if long gate is present it usualy covers all other inputs)

Width: 6TE/ 6HP/ 30mm
Depth: 20mm /0,8″ max.
Current: 0mA (passive)

Order Grouped multiple