A-535 Gain up! (4HP)


A-535 Gain up! module for Eurorack / Doepfer A100 system.

Two independent channels, each channel contains input jack (1/8″ – 3,5mm – AC or DC coupled, selectable by jumper), gain knob (-∞ to +26dB, 0dB in the mid) and two output jacks (1/8″ – 3,5mm). First output in each channel can be set as “in phase” (normal – jumper in the lower position) or as “out of phase” (inverted – jumper in upper position, see INV and NOR labeling on front panel). A-535 can be useful if you lost signal level somewhere in your patch or it can be used as preamp from line level to Eurorack level due +26dB max. gain.


Width: 4TE/ 4HP/ 20mm
Depth: 35mm /1,4″ max.
Current: 20mA
Power cable included

Double check power connection before powering your system please.
„Red strip“ means -12V connector side in Eurorack standards.
In some power distribution systems connector key can be reverted.
In this case cut connector key and plug power connector right way (with respect to red strip) or use different power cable appropriate to your power system.



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